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“That’s Not my problem!”
Certianly not. sorry if I implied otherwise

“Most don’t agree with the USPSTF.”
sure particularly labcorp and pfizer. Though that doesnt mean it is whats best for the patient.

“There are others that say into the 80’s.”

People say all sorts of things. But without evidence who cares

“But when s/o uses the word “Everyone”, it doesn’t mean 100%!”

Great! so not “Everyone” Im glad we agree

From NIH research:
“53.5% (274) stated that they used the Internet for medical information.””

that in no way contradicts what I said. Just beacuse people do it doestn mean it isa good idea. Though in this case the risks are small.
ASnd in general I didnt mean to complelty ignore the internet. The internet is invaluable . Just suggesting gettign advice from a medical provider.

(If we just relied on the internet I wouldn’t know to treat accident victims differently depending on how many cars were involved. That isnt to be found on the internet at all. We need dedicated health professionals like you to educate the masses)