Reply To: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore!

Home Forums Politics Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! Reply To: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore!


After hearing the seemingly endless stream of vile comments from this pedophile and racist, including blatantly anti-Semitic blood libels against Jews who don’t accept his ‘savior”, I would have expected the originator of this thread to crawl into a hole and disappear for a while. No such good fortune but at least the people of Alabama seem to agree that there is a point where you say enough is enough. I’m not expecting Alabama to become a blue state nor am I confident they can hold on to this Senate seat in the next election when a mainstream Republican is the candidate but at least for a moment in time, they followed the admonition of the great political philosopher (and basketball player), Alabama native Charles Barkley…”common Alabama, we’ve got to show the world we’re not a bunch of idiots”.