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Random – From what I read, there is no legal requirement to report that kind of compensation. But even if true, that’s not the worst aveira.
Ubiq – In New York State right through 2017 a 14 year old could legally marry (to anyone, of any older age.) NYS law specifically said so. In most states they don’t even have a minimum age for marriage. This idea that teenagers shouldn’t marry or have relationships with people in their thirties is very new even for the goyim in America. Not too long ago it was very common here. Until the end of WWII you could easily find American goyim marrying younger than 16; and in postwar America you still easily found 16 year old goyim marrying. (Actually, in the last 20 years just in NYS alone several thousand under 16 year olds got married.) Even today you constantly hear of rich very old goyim marrying very young girls. And by us Yidden Halacha makes very clear that it is supported and we see many many such examples throughout our history, including relatively very recently among Gedolim. 16 year olds frum Yidden marry today; and a few decades ago you easily found frum Yidden marrying younger than 16. My great-grandfather was in his upper 60s when he lost his first wife and remarried to a never married in her mid 20s. The Ribnitzer Rebbe was in at least his 70s when he remarried when she was in her 20s. She was only niftar a few years ago. The Chofetz Chaim’s young (second) rebbetzin was living in New York and passed away in the post-second world war period (and her kever is in Queens) .
That’s all aside from the fact that the accusations against Moore, made 40 years after they didn’t happen and conveniently a few weeks before his election, on charges no one ever heard before and he was never accused before in his long career, when he’s in his 70s now, are false.