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“R’ Aharon Kotler TZATZAL was acknowledge as the Gadol Hador and he referred to R’ Moshe Feinstein TZATZAL as the Poseik Hador.”
Many are not aware before Rav Moshe was The Posek, many referred to Rav YE Henkin (more known as the directer of Ezras Torah) as the prime Posek of America, many psakim we follow are based on his psak. One that comes to my mind is opening refrigerators on Shabbos. However, he rarely got involved in any public hashkfah issues.. Another Posek was Rav Yonasan Steif (more known by Chassidim/Hungarians)
” At that time the leading poskim in EY were R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach TZATZAL and R’ Eliyashiv TZATZAL.”
They only became known later, at the time in EY there was Tchebiner Rav, Rabbi Shimon Aharon Polansky known as the ‘Tepliker Rav’, (another example of an unknown Posek Hador – who was long forgotten – I bet you there are probably one or two people reading this that have ever heard from him, in fact Rav Elyashiv got semicha from him ) Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank.