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“I’m trying to think about this from a girls perspective. Sh’asanee Kirtzono, mommy doesn’t make kidush, lulav and esrog, all the action in mens section – women just spectators from ezras nashim….I’m sure they feel like second class citizens and all the logic in the world is not going to change that…my simple answer is that men and women have different roles and we’re all supposed to fulfill our tafkid (ask not what your country can do for you but rather…) It’s a huge arduous task in today’s day and age and need to battle herd mentality mores and a value system antithetical to our mission statement. Gotta have emunah that hashem will bring things around to true reality and each will be happy with their place and role”
Well I’m a woman so here. When I was a girl, I didn’t light because that wasnt our minhag.Yes tatte makes kiddush etc. And women have a special yt on rosh chodesh that men don’t have, women don’t work after menorah lighting for half hour while tatte can, most importantly, women make the child Jewish,and have the most influence on the attitude of the kids towards Yiddishkeit.
I don’t understand why people cry for women. We have a very important role, and the men do too!just to explain as some people seem to feel bad for us… If a man saved three kids from going off the Derech by his efforts, he would praise Hashem for giving him the zchus…. Women with their Avodas Hashem, create and imbue a love for Yiddishkeit within their kids so they add ten or so more ovdei Hashem to the Jewish nation! That’s a great task and responsibility and I’m very happy to fulfill it.
Unfortunately our world is a bit confused… I meet Non Jewish women all the time who so regret not having children and just focusing on their career as they were encouraged to do, they missed out and only realized when it was too late.
As Golda Meir once said she regretted being prime minister, because there are lots of men capable for the post, but no one was able to fill in as a mother to her children when they needed her…