Reply To: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah Reply To: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah


Did you post that reason before? I didn’t see it. If you did I apologise. I have no problem with the Rambam cvs, I have a problem with you inserting this halacha here in this discussion in response to my bringing and explaining the Zohar that shows how men and women are complimentary and equal. By inserting this halacha here, you imply that you disagree with the above and are trying to rebut it and show that women are sub men.

Hence my response.

This still has nothing to do with the Zohar or with other sources that I brought.

Halacha affects every area of our life and of course in the context of saving a life there needs to be halacha on who to save first. In that same context, a Cohen comes before A Levi who comes before A Yisrael. Yet no one would imply that the essence of a Levi is subpar to the Cohen…

You asked why that halacha is. I told you what I had learned which is not made up just because you haven’t heard it, the same way the Rambam isn’t made up just because I didn’t hear it before. If you’d like I can try to get the source for that reason – id need to reread my notes from the class and if the source isn’t mentioned, contact the Rabbi who gave it.

As far as the Rambams reason, yes that makes sense. Men draw down more hamshachos than women, which is the main avoda at the time of golus, however by the Geulas times, we will celebrate who we are which is more the idea of women – she makes the child Jewish while the man directs the avoda of the child – as is written, “nekeiva tisovev gever.”

We have already entered the era where women’s qualities are being highlighted and appreciated worldwide – the maala of the mekabel as we come closer and closer to the Geula.

Some typos in my previous post : *Mashpia, Mekabel, wife, Torah