Reply To: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie? Reply To: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie?



“But they are without question erlich, perhaps not the biggest baalei madreiga like we are”
Agreed – that we should not judge and I don’t think anyone is judging”erlichkeit” here. Erlichkeit is something within and is hard to judge by a mere personal opinion. Perhaps the person is not aware etc.
If you see someone speaking Lashon Harah or in mid of Kadish (a certain issur), would you term him as not erlich or someone who has an issue with conscious awareness etc of the severity etc. The mitzvah of ‘Dan Adom Lkaf Zechus’ tells you the latter.

Perhaps the question needs to be rephrased:

“Is it appropriate for an Erlich Yid to call himself a Foodie”

And I don’t think you would ever call yourself one as well – so why not?

People are entitled to their opinions – as a general – if its appropriate or not. That does not negate ones personal judgement of any individual.