Reply To: YWN Coffee-room is lashon hara!!

Home Forums Litoeles H'rabim! YWN Coffee-room is lashon hara!! Reply To: YWN Coffee-room is lashon hara!!


The level of dialogue here in the YWN CR is really outstanding. Every few weeks, there is some posting complaining that criticisim of other yidden by some participant or strong disagreement with a political view expressed by a well know rav is either lashon harah, mevazeh talmid chacom or apikorsus (or in some cases a trifecta of all three). By and large, the Mods seem to be trying to keep us on the high road without cutting off legitimate dissenting views. In many cases, there are facts and realities which some may regard as lashon harah but in reality must be stated and openly debated. Shutting down discussion in the name of avoiding someone else’s definition of “lashon horah” would substantially erode the valuie of this site.