Reply To: I am looking for a Purim kugel recipe

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee I am looking for a Purim kugel recipe Reply To: I am looking for a Purim kugel recipe


I tried it, it’s Amazing it hit the sweet spot (if you know what i mean)I am using it in all my mishloach manos. I think it could use more chocolate liqueur and less potatoes. You’ve got a perfect mishloach manos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fregleglechen Purim-By HaRav Hagaon Hagoadal Hador Hanorah Hadir Avraham Moshe Halevi Shlita may he live to see mashiach Amen Amen Selah vaed, Modim Anachnu laach…..( much nachas )……………………………………………..