Reply To: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim!

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Big Brim Vs. Small Brim! Reply To: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim!

Neville ChaimBerlin

“Covering your head while davenin with your tallis is fine as long as that is minhag in that shul or beis medrash. However, to do so in a shul where no one else engages should be done with care so you don’t c’v send the signal that you consider yourself a much more ehrliche yid than others in the tzibur.”

This is true if it’s truly the minhag of that shul that only the Shliach Tzibbur covers his head with a tallis. If you’re talking about going to an MO shul where people happen to not cover there heads with the tallis just because they’re more enlightened than us, then no. There’s a difference between minhagim and societal trends.