Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

Neville ChaimBerlin

“So the consensus is that one should put on Teffilin during chol hamoed but should only do so when sitting in the area where one normally has built a sukkah and must follow the davening by eating a pas gebrokts.”

Brilliant. Baruch Hashem someone remembers it’s still Adar.

“I cannot think of any other yom tov or chag where there seems to be so many variations of what was once a fairly prescribed routine.”

To be fair, tefillin on chol hamoed has nothing to do with Pesach specifically.