Reply To: What are your opinions on Rav Avigdor Miller’s answer about acting good?

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ולא יכלו דברו לשלום. מתוך גנותם למדנו שבחם, שלא דברו אחת בפה ואחת בלב
רש”י וישב לז ד

This would seem to contradict the way R Avigdor Miller is quoted, Rashi says once they hated Yosef which was admittedly a Gnus, it was then a Shvach that they at least didn’t act falsely.

Rashi’s mekor is a medrash there (BR 84:9) which contrasts the Shvotim to Avsholom who was capable of acting differently to how he really felt (Maharzav). The Matnos Kehuna calls this geneivas daas; the Yefei Toar calls it chanufa.

Do you have a source/further information about this quote