Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed Reply To: Putting on Tefilin on Chal Hamoed


laskern, As far as I know Rabeinu Tam himself held it’s ossur to wear tfilin on chol hamoed. It would be a tosfos in menochos, if that is so.
But the main reason Chassidim and Sfardim don’t wear tfilin of Rabeinu Tam is nistar. Apparently, in Toras nistar, one who wears tefilin on Chol Hamoed is chayav misa. And in toras nistar the halacha is like rabeinu tam. So Chassidim & Sfardim who pasken like, or at least are choshesh for Toras Nistar refrain.

iacisrmma, Ok, so I’m not sure if chumra is the right word, maybe hiddur is better. But let’s say a baal teshuva or a ger who has no set set minhag, who asks if he should wear tfilin on chol hamoed, is told not to. So what I mean by chumra, is that one fulfills more opinions by not wearing than by wearing. Similarly, someone who stops wearing, like myself while I was living in Eretz Yisroel, has to be matir neder if he wants to start again for whatever reason.
A ben EY who comes to chutz laaretz for yom tov, does not wear tfilin on Chh”m, a ben chu”l in EY also does not (at all according to many opinions) and certainly not in public.

I would be interested if anyone knows about what would happen, in a place like KAJ, Washington Heights, where the minhag is definitely Jekkisch. Does EVERYONE wear tefilin chol hamoed? Even baalei tshuva and geirim?