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“Your part is to do mitzvos, learn Troah, do massim tovim, and have emunah and bitachon. Ad kan”

And also yearn for it as we say I davening everyday and part of the yud gimmel ikrim.

How and why should you yearn for it if it’s Hashem’s business?

A) because Hahem Himself wants to see we care. And why should we care?

Because that’s the end goal its the point of all our Torah and mitzvos until now!

“Nisave HKBH liyos Lo Yisborach Dira Btachtonim.”

An example (not mine):

If a worker who makes iphones says he loves his job so much that he doesn’t want /need to get paid is a very praiseworthy worker.

But a worker who says he loves the motions of his part of the process and he doesn’t even care if it ends up as a working iPhone is quite dumb, because that’s the whole point of it

Someone saying he loves serving Hashem so much he doesn’t need rewards or gan Eden is like the former.

Someone who says he loves doing Torah and mitzvos and doesn’t care if that brings moshiach today or not is like the latter. And more only that but can risk being a kofer cvs. (As the Rambam says, “vchol mi sheeino.. Michake lvioso is not only kofer in Toras Moshe, but in all Neviim) Because ymos HaMoshiach are not just a reward they’re the whole point of Creation – Hashem wanted that this world which is the lowest and farthest from appreciating G-dliness, should get to appreciate it and live it up.
