Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?

Home Forums Local New York City What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?


So would you say the same thing about the Missionaries that go around? I mean maybe X-ianty is right – because most people in the US practice it?
Confusion conflation and straw man all in one. That’s impressive.
The answer is simply
I would say exactly the same thing about the missionaries.
I don’t judge the religion by the crazies.
I judge by the entirety of the religion. And theirs doesn’t make it to first base. On merit! Not based on a few nuts.
Sort of like how I would not judge the logic and reasoning skills of Jews based on one lady with a screen name of health