Reply To: Ashkenazi Cooking Kitniyos on Pesach

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I agree kitniyos is more than “just a minhag”
Though strangly Rabbi Gersten wrote the following on the OU’s website
“Rav Belsky ruled that one may even place hot food directly on top of a paper towel on Pesach. The starch that is used in paper products in America can be assumed to be at most only kitniyot, and because the starch binds strongly to the paper, it is unlikely that any starch will transfer into the food. Poskim write that one is permitted to hang lamps of oil above their table, even if the oil is kitniyot and may drip into the food. Unlike chametz, which cannot become nullified on Pesach in any proportion, kitniyot will be nullified in a simple majority. So long as it is not for certain that the kitniyot will get into one’s food, it is permitted. Furthermore, because the starch becomes part of the paper, it is no longer considered edible. Therefore, even if some starch would migrate out of the paper into the food, there is no concern.”

I dont understand how the above fits with forbidding eino ben yomo bliyos.

Furthermore regarding aspartmae he writes the following :
“Rav Belsky ruled that aspartame …, although made from corn, may be used on Pesach. . …. This concept of losing halachic identity is known as “nishtaneh.” Although there is a disagreement among poskim as to whether one can rely on nishtaneh to permit non-kosher foods, and the OU does not permit that, Rav Belsky ruled that with regard to kitniyot, whose prohibition is only based on minhag, we are lenient.”

This one is less of a question, but still interesting. Since I guess kitniyos shnishtanu might be less than bliyos