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There are also upper class regional accents. The key “division” was the civil war, which established that mid-western was the American “standard”. Television and movies led to increased standardization in spoken English. Ethnic and regional accents are not “wrong”, and one needs to note that English vocabulary constantly absorbs words from other languages (and seems to be more open than most languages to assimilating foreign words).

In discussing topics related to Yiddishkeit (“Judaisim”), words derived from Hebrew and Yiddish are more precise, and often replace the English word that is a nominal equivalent in the speech and writing of cultured (in Jewish culture) Jews. Words such as Ha-Shem (rather than “G-d”), Yuntuf (rather than “Festival” or “Holiday”), Sefer (rather than “book on Torah subject”), or “Shabbos” (rather than “Saturday” or “Jewish Sabbath”), are examples of words moving across linguistic barriers.