Reply To: Where is Har Sinai??

Home Forums Yom Tov Shavuos Where is Har Sinai?? Reply To: Where is Har Sinai??


It’s probably part of the red Sea there’s a great piece on it if you Google “sea of suph” the website address is .il (Israel)and the name is etzion so scroll down for it. Don’t know who they are but lot of info and sources. Also brings up the fact that Shlomo Hamelech built a port or something and it says it’s between Eilat and yam suf so it would have to be the red Sea. The exact crossing location is another subject. Also if you Google Solomon’s pillars red Sea you will see images of alledged pillars that were placed marking the location of the crossing. It’s unclear since images show crossing the sea but don’t we know that bnei yisrael crossed in a semi circle back to Egypt? Anyway I think the pillars had been removed by saudi forces but many pictures and diagrams to check out.