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And then there’s deeper explanations as well all pi Kabbalah For example the ground is tumah and the closer to the ground an animal is the more tumah transfers to it. That’s why even the 2 levels of shekeyz for small rodents that have legs or crawl on their stomach. Touching the ground with no legs is the biggest sheketz pherhaps animals like a lion put Thier hands and feet on the ground. But a hoof is a seperate part of the leg which means the actual foot isn’t touching the ground for the same reason why ppl walk on 2 legs vs animals. Because we’re half human and spiritual. So half of us is touching the ground but the top half that include the head and hands don’t touch the ground because it’s closer because of the part of us that’s holy that’s also why there are more kosher birds than non kosher. Because birds are in the air and don’t get the tumah from the ground. Except if it’s a bad natured or selfish etc otherwise the air is not tumah unlike the ground that’s also why a sheretz in a fruit that never left or touched the ground is not Assur but if it touched the ground it becomes asur even tho when it was in the fruit it was mutar