Reply To: Where is Har Sinai??

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Decoy. Your not reading anything in writing. I didn’t say a word about the stone of the mountain being split to reveal designs. I said just the opposite!!!!! I don’t belivee Har Sinai is in the Sinai peninsulah o believe it’s in Saudi Arabia. The same as the book claims so in not sure why you keep saying that I think it’s the mountain with the designs on the inside of the rock or in Sinai peninsulah in my humble opinion i believe it’s in Saudi Arabia and it’s fenced all around it with no trespassing signs in Arabic and English and it’s only my opinion. Regardless of there’s kedusha there or not regardless if you shouldn’t need it to have Aminah. Regardless of anything I think it’s simply very “cool” to see it it’s that simple. I completely disagree with your theroy that there is no defusha there!!! There’s kedusha in a yarmulkah or a shirt that was worn by the chafetz Chaim for example there’s kedusha in your esrog that was used for a mitzvah there’s kedusha that was connected to anything kodosh !!!! Kidusha is not only spiritual it’s physical to if your eyes are kodosh to see it your going to tell me for a second that the mountain that the Torah was given on. The mountain that hashem came down to the mountain that touched the shechina is just reg earth?? The senah has no kedusha even the frogs in mitzrayom that made a kidusha Hashem has kedusha your suckah has kedusha !!! It says the reason why you don’t say Shalom Aleichem on shabos Chol hamoed suckos is because the malachim won’t come into the suckah because they are scared of the shechina there so maybe there’s no din kedusha because Har sinei won’t be used again like Har habois so there’s no need to preserve the kedusha from getting Tomah bit to say Har Sinai is a reg mountain and nothing to get inspired about is insane halavai I should have 1 percent of the dirtest rock on Har Sinai that mountain was chosen to give the Torah on. That alone makes it special even if Hashem didn’t come down that mountain was chosen by Hashem to make the biggest even on history. If u touched that mountain you died !!! Ifbu touch Har haboayos. U don’t die. Your mechyav missah but you don’t die. But Har Sinai was instant death. You think that just goes way? I bet you the ruach hatumah wouldn’t think about touching Har Sinai anyway. Just saying….