Reply To: Pesach program solutions

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I believe you completely missed the point of my sarcasm and the points I have been making. mainly I am arguing that despite accusations of “jealousy” there are genuine hashkafic questions on the idea that traveling to a new exotic local every pesach is perfectly fine and rational. Frankly I would go so far as labeling it nuvel brushus hatorah. If you have the money then go be m’kayim the mitzvah of oleh regel (at least in spirit since there is no bais hamikdash). Running to vegas/egypt etc. is not in the spirit of yetzias mitzrayim. We were running away from places of tumah, today people run to them.
In addition, I find the argument of “I need to do it for my sanity/enjoyment” bc I cant handle the cleaning/cooking lame. I’m not saying it’s never appropriate. The one time we considered doing it was after a wedding we made close to yom tov. But we decided against it. But I can hear it. I just find the idea that people can’t handle the annual stress of the yom tov prep, so they need to run away from home, wussy.
Those were my points.
If you want to start another discussion, sure. I think your point was prepackaged pesach foods really help the working woman. I agree whole heartedly.