Reply To: If Nassi is wrong, how do you explain why 1000’s of older girls are stil single?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee If Nassi is wrong, how do you explain why 1000’s of older girls are stil single? Reply To: If Nassi is wrong, how do you explain why 1000’s of older girls are stil single?


Please look at this stats from the us census (table MS-2) estimated median age at first marriage by male/female, going back to 1890;
Pretty clear across the board men marry younger women;
Is it because females mature earlier than males? maybe;
in talmud times marriageable age started for females before 13; for males around 18;
you may argue that men sometimes married multiple women;
that basically stopped after the cherem of R’GMH.
perhaps the ages quoted above also changed, but then need we need to go back to the us census stats;
if the theory of nassi is correct, this shiduch crisis should have appeared way back in our history, and i don;t believe it is the case. so i personally don’t see the math concurring with reality;
Maybe there are more odd boys than girls; I don’t know;
What i do know is that there are many jewish girls (& boys) in pain because they are not married and having families, and that should be painful to all of us; any efforts to solve the issue should be welcomed ; not sure it can be pinned on one reason alone , either;
One thing which could be done, if a lot more people feeling the pain would volunteer some of their time in a concerted effort to try and run more shiduchim ; as has been said, professional shadchanim focus on their income, (and i have nothing against that); but if a large effort is done by volunteers who are not looking for money, then we can have a positive influence;
perhaps a 100% free website oriented to shiduchim, well written , well designed , so volunteer shdchanim can propose matches, and/or people can search for matches , and request volunteers to match them ; i would even have an eYente 🙂 there