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” Instead, it was turned into a political event designed to play to the right wing base of both Trump and Bibi. ”

I’m not sure why you say “instead” that was the whole point of the move. Trump didnt do it out of love for Jews it was an easy way to score points with a big chunk of his base.
Not that we shouldnt be thankful, as it was soemthing many of us wanted too.

“There are many American evangelical leaders who also are big supporters of EY, Trump supporters but also don’t denigrate yidden and every other religious belief system other than their own. Enough said.”
That isnt quite true, they just arent as vocal. They believe that once all Jews are in ISrael the battle of Armeggeddon will occur and 2/3 will get killed and 1/3 embrace their messiah who will save us all.

this isnt news, they are usually honest about this belief.
The debate is, whether to work with them and accept their support in the interim. I’m persoanlly for it, we can take an ysupport we can get and we will worry about Osa haish when he returns.*

(* I’m being facetious I dont beleive he is returning)