Reply To: Dual Citizen

Home Forums Politics Dual Citizen Reply To: Dual Citizen

reb mutche


As an American living in Eretz Yisroel, here are my comments to what you wrote:

First of all there is a new policy which requires you to renew it every 5 years not 10 like it used to be so now it’s an extra 80-100 dollars expense every few years for something you don’t use much. Not true. An adult passport is valid for 10 years. A childs passport is valid for only 5 years.

Secondly renting a car in Israel you will have to pay extra taxes If you go in with Israeli passport rather than just as an American tourist which is difficult to do when they see you have an israeli passport as well in their system. Not true. If you live in Israel, you will need an Israeli Driver’s License since you will not be on a turist visa but on a student visa or permanent resident.
You might owe “bituach leumi” in Israel for having an Israeli passport and these mix-ups happen a lot especially if you stay there for extended time. True, but you also have medical insurance, child allowance, and other benefits.
Anyways it’s just much easier to have one passport and maintaining it rather than having another unnecessary one. Why? There are people that have 2 cars or a summer home, and are fine maintaining more than one?