Reply To: Feigenbaums yeshiva

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Zahavasad makes some excellent points. At a time when seemingly every Rebbelah wants to be a “Rosh yeshiva” and there are a proliferation of mosdos with almot identical names, it is quite likely that few even have heard of the kollel you are referencing or may be conusing it with half a dozen others wih similiar names. You don’t even provide the location or formal name. Further, a helpful, albeit truthful assesment could invovle lashon harah (aka the Rav is not an effective teacher, the students are not real masmidim, the facilities are a fire trap, etc.). overall, i you plan to spend much time learning somewhere, it would be foolish not to visit the yeshiva, spend at least a day (or a few days if you are flying over to EY) observing the learning, experience the ruach and talk with the talmidim . Would you even consider going to a secular college without visiting the campus? Well, the same applies to a yeshiva.. Relying on the “experts” here in the CR is malpractice What may have been a great experiene for someone here in the CR may be based on personal experiences 5, 10 or even 20 years ago, something they heard from a friend or relative and what may be positve for one may be not be so good for another. And yes, there can be bad yeshiva if the test of “good” or “bad” is what kind of learning experience it will provide for a particular bochur