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Isnt it brought down in the Talmud about a third for expenses, third for investment, and third for savings?

Also the Rambam discussed those who will save on food just to have “another pruta in their pocket” and that its ridiculous to live like that. One doesnt know how long they will remain here and saving on things that one needs is foolish. But my question is regarding “extra” or “luxury” expenses. Say you are really feeling fleishigs from a restaurant but have a choice to just go home and make a sandwich. If you choose to “save” those 10-15 bucks and eat at home, is that really money that you saved or is it just going to leak out in another way? Im not talking about someone who eats out every day and indulges, just these isolated cases.
In a case where something will give you that extra energy that you might need,is the right choice to actually spend some money rather than trying to save it up and depriving yourself of that moment?