Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


Point 2) Another sign of the Geula as you may have hinted, is that throughout golus, good and evil were mixed and our job, through Torah and Mitzvos was to separate the good from evil.

However, right before Geula, it is foretold that good and evil will polarize and become black and white. This way it will be absolutely clear who is on the side of evil and who good.

We definitely see that today. The most unlikely of alliances such as radical liberals and sharia islam have come together. So on one hand you have:

Radical Islam+Liberals (ie toeiva, abortion, mis-education etc.)+anti Israel vs. Conservative values+pro Israel

And good is winning. It’s astounding what has happened in just the past year. I forgot to mention the virtual defeat of ISIS btw.

Another connected point is that there are some world qualities described that they will occur right before the Geula, but we can choose whether to live it in a positive or negative way.

Such as: In the gemara it says “Chutzpa yasge…” Chutzpah will rise, children will rise against their parents etc.

Now we definitely see this in the world today in a negative sense but we also see it in a positive sense.

Such as young people telling older people they should grow in their yiddishkeit. Girls encouraging their mothers to dress tznius. Young people speaking up to create positive change in schools or in places where previously they would have been quiet in the face of authority- even if the authority was wrong.