Reply To: Orthodox Rabbi Takes Job at LGBT Synagogue – Discuss

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In no way does my following statement condone what he has done
Never the less, this guy has had a difficult life and the choices he has made is somewhat understandable when viewed through his personal trajedy
As ZD has alluded to, His wife embraced the lifestyle, got custody of the kids and has since transitioned one of his children into a transgender.
Think about the tragedy, the shock. You think you have a good marriage suddenly your wife tells you its all over and there is nothing you can do about it. You think you might have yiddisha nachas from your children, but your ex shmads them in the worst way. You have a choice; write them off and start from scratch, or try to find some sort of connection. Apparently his attempt to keep a connection went way too far.
He needs to do tshuva, but man he has had a difficult challenge.