Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!

Home Forums Controversial Topics The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! Reply To: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us!


Thanks for the reply CS but it isn’t a valid reply, as others have already explained.

It’s one thing to ask or entreat Hashem desperately that Mashiach should come (even though there are some sefarim that say that that should NOT be the main thrust of our tefillos for Mashiach – but I won’t go there because lubavitch obviously disagrees with that) and to say “he HAS TO come”. The first is fine/good. The second is wrong!

Furthermore, your reply to me from your source book is also not a valid reply. There is a HUGE difference between saying that if we do this-and-this Mashiach will come immediately to saying that he is DEFINITELY coming NOW and today. And that is what the Lubvitcher Rebbe said over 25 years ago – did he not say numerous times that you have to believe that Mashiach is coming today, and if you don’t then you do not have proper belief in the coming of Mashiach? But Mashiach hasn’t come. So he was wrong! That is what I see and that is what every single non-Lubavitcher I have ever discussed the topic with sees regardless of where they rank the Lubavitchr rebbe on the tzaddik scale. I don’t believe that there is anything you can write that will convince us otherwise.

Finally, you wrote that the Luvbitcher Rebbe said that there is nothing left to do except it is up to us.
1. That doesn’t make sense. If we have already “polished the buttons” then what is there for us to do?
2. Hashem is emess and totally just. If everything has been done then Mashiach would have come! He hasn’t come so not everything has been done! What the lubvitcher rebbe said is getting mighty close to finding fault with Hashem c’v!

And with your interpretation of the famous sicha where he said it is up to us you are following Lubavitch revisionist lines. What he said was that he can’t do any more and he’s leaving it up to his chassidim. A short time later he revised it, or it was revised by others, and he said that what is missing is the will of the chassidim. It’s a change and a significant one. You and so many others have conveniently adopted the revision so that you can continue to believe in whatever it is you want to.