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CTRebbe-“Of course there is a lot that we can do! Step one is to not post ridicoulos discussion such as these for all the world to see.”
-there are much worse and more sensitive articles posted everywhere so really this doesnt affect much. Besides you are contributing to it with your own thoughts so what does that say.
” If you have ever spoken to non-frum Jews (i suspect many commenters here have not) you will hear a major fallacy circulated that frum Jews do not consider them Jewish.”
-Even if that were to be true, the real issue isnt what the frummies consider them its what they consider themselves. Most of these Jews in name only want the farthest thing to do with their own Judaism which they are embarrassed and ashamed of.
“For all those in this coffee room that say “kol yisrael arievim…” only applies to frum Jews, would you also say”
-So you still havent answered the issue brought up by that. How can we be responsible for actions of “Jews” who hate that fact and loathe their own religion?
And you have exclaimed your first step of not posting such articles, but what is the second step which is hopefully a more productive solution?