Reply To: Brisk


We have bochrim from many yeshivos, including Brisk, over for shabbos. Some become regulars. My wife and I get calls about them. As such, I can tell you that where the guy is learning is less important than how serious he is in his learning and even more important is his middos. The shidduch referral very much varries by the character of the guy, far more so than his pedigree.

This comment is not meant to speak about Brisk, but the idea of elitism overall.

There are a couple of elite yeshivos where there is noone being madrich the bochurim. These guys think they are above it all. They call last minute to come for a shabbos, and brag about terrible middos. One group of guys spent an entire seudah sharing stories about how they abuse their mentally handicapped cleaning guy.

In contrast, we have had guys over from less elite yeshivos who had stellar middos. Who sang zemiros, came with a present for the family (even a bag of gummies for the kids counts), helped clean the table, shared divray torah etc.

To this who know what matters, look for a bochur who has what matters. A brilliant lamdan with terrible middos will make a poor husband and father, not to mention a weak Rosh Yeshiva.