Reply To: Question on Brachah of a certain Derivative of an Unspecified Plant

Home Forums Controversial Topics Question on Brachah of a certain Derivative of an Unspecified Plant Reply To: Question on Brachah of a certain Derivative of an Unspecified Plant


Maybe you mean chocolate. Chocolate is widely accepted as Shehakol, even though there are some good arguments that it should be a Haeitz.

Or maybe you mean beer. Tosofos asks why we don’t make a Mezonos on beer, but concludes that we make only shehakol on liquids (except for wine.)

Perhaps you meant instant mashed potatoes or Pringles. These are a machlokes, Rav Moshe holds that they are Ha’adamah, while many others hold that they are Shehakol.

Besides, you said “There is a certain consumable good upon consumption of which a brachah is required.” – what ‘consumable good’ DOESN’T require a brocha?