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holy is “kadosh”, which means separated [from the mundane], the whole purpose of the “creation” of yidish is so the yiden will have a “mundane” language to speak while doing “mundane” things, similar as to why the scrip letters of the alef beis were made, bemaileh as for “holieness” yidish wouldnt be “kadosh u’muvdal”.
never the less yidish does have a maala over other languages, based on this itself that so many jews in general and gedolei yisroel bifrat, spoke it and used it to teach torah, [the baal shem tov would bedavka say divrei torah in yidish, so the torah will elevate also the mundane languages, so yidish was a intermedeate language, similar to aramaic], also this itself that behashgacha pratis davka this language is called by all jew etc. yidish is a sign of a certain maalah that yidish has [even over other jewish languages], [see lekutai sichos volume 21 p. 447, for more explanation]