Reply To: If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico

Home Forums Politics If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico Reply To: If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico


CTLAWYER: Oooooh boy! Where do I even start?

–Not my screen name. (Is he talking to me?)

“Your ignorance and bias is amazing.”
–Pleasant evening to you too, good Sir.

“You paint all who vote for candidates of one party as being the same.”
–Gross generalization, I admit.

“I am a Democrat.”

“i vote for individuals. not party. I detest the fool who is leading our country backwards.”
–Name one example, please. Unemployment rates, foreign policy, trade deficits, GDP growth, NATO contributions by allies, and Israel’s defense by the USA in the UN are all at an all time (or long time) best.

“The orange haired, serial adulterer”
–Adulterous women have a thing for rich, fat, married, Hollywood real estate moguls with orange hair, I guess…???

“who enriches his friends and family and hurts our economy.”
–You’re conjuring up thoughts of the pay-to-play scandal by the Clintons. Also,the family’s net worth dropped around a reported $1 Billion since he took office. Ivanka just shut down her business. He isn’t getting rich from this.

“I will pay more than $20,0000 in additional federal tax this year under his new tax structure, money that used go to Tzedaka.”
— Well, it’s a good thing everybody else will be getting fatter paychecks to add to their tzedaka isn’t it? Isn’t that what Democrats preach? Take from the rich upper middle class and give everyone else free college tuition, Obamacare, Obamaphones, more government benefits, etc? You should really not have a problem with this considering it’s the platform your representatives support. Also Mr. Trump has donated his $400,000 presidential salary to charity to offset your $20,0000, which is not a real number.

“I don’t want non-citizens to vote, despite your FALSE claim.”
–Hey! We agree on one thing! There’s hope for you, yet!

“I don’t want open borders, but those arriving and seeking asylum should not be turned away.”
–What about the overwhelming majority who sneak across our borders for economic opportunities and cut ahead of actual vetted asylum seekers who are fleeing actual conflicts from actual war zones and are courteous enough to follow our laws and submit a proper application? I’m pretty sure the application is available en español. Not to mention all the women and children victims of rampant human trafficking that occurs because the Democrats won’t support securing the border. If you care about them, seal the border already!

“Must I remind you of the fate of the passengers on the MS St. Louis back in 1939.”

“Trump is a hateful,”

–Can you give me an “O”?! (bama)

“lying individual.”
–Can you give me an “H”?! (illary)

“I’d rather have a family of hard working central American immigrants here”
— That’s a gross generalization.

” and him and his family on the other side of a prison wall.”
–Is it because of the orange hair? Why do you want to lock Jews up?