Reply To: If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico

Home Forums Politics If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico Reply To: If you vote Democrat you should just move to Mexico

Amil Zola

Personally I don’t find realistic immigration policies, regulation of health care, workers rights, maternal wellness, access to contraceptives, tax breaks that are fare to working Americans, pathways to citizenship via military service, asylum for the victims of domestic and political abues et al nefarious. You are free to disagree. Admittedly I do have some biases, I am a first generation American, I feel that the current immigration roundups that target brown skinned people incredibly unfair. My feelings would be tempered if ICE were doing sweeps in Brighton Beach or other enclaves of non caucasian immigrants. And I would feel much differently if our current administration were not mustering out those immigrants who were using military service as a pathway to citizenship. Certainly our president if free to change his mind about chain immigration now that his inlaws have citizenship, but it does make him look a bit two faced.