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Actually the effect of the choice of President on my personal money is only one of many criteria in selecting a President.
I do not consider the coarse, insulting, serial adulterer who currently holds office as a role model.
I object to his dismantling healthcare, EPA, and other safeguards. His picks for Department of Education (DeVos and State (Tillerson) are a joke. Installing his inept children as senior advisors is offensive as is his attempt to reap personal and family profit from public service.
The man has no self control and has made enemies of our friends and allies. I fear for the safety of all Americans.

I did not agree with all the policies of the Presidents Bush, but they were gentlemen who put country ahead of personal gain. I have known Bill Clinton since he was a law student at Yale. He has a brilliant mind, but not great moral character. President Obama is a brilliant man with wholesome family life. That doesn’t mean I agreed with everything he did. I voted against Trump as opposed to for Hillary Clinton. Her carpetbagging run for US Senate in NY was reminiscent of Bobby Kennedy and his defeat of Senator Keating.