Reply To: If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher?

Home Forums Controversial Topics If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher? Reply To: If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher?


Ok, so I actually dealt with this shailah extensively before. It actually is theoretically possible although it would cost millions of dollars. Once we perfect the reading of genetics (we’ll probably use AI for that) CRISPR will be able to do this. To answer the problem of lol hayotzei min hatamei you would be able to use a kosher animal as a surrogate mother. You would need to modify the genetics and make it chew it’s cud (and not just say kol hayotzei min hatahor) because shua says that if a kosher animal has a child that looks like a bird it’s taref, and the taz I believe (possibly the shach) says that it means if a kosher animal has a child that only has one of the simanei tahara. However, the only problem I did come across was a Ramban (vayikra 19:19) that says that the issur of kilayim by animals is that Hashem created a perfect world and therefore it’s assure for a human to act as God, because you’re showing witg your actions that you think the world isn’t perfect and it’s lacking. However, if a goy were to make the animal then it would be kosher. And in regards to mesorah, that is only by birds as others have commented.
(Credentials: I’m a shocker and have discussed it with multiple household name gedolim and they told me that in theory it would be mutar, but chances are it would never get a hashgacha)