Reply To: Going on Vacation without a Minyan

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:……The question we’re discussing here is whether one may go where there is no minyan for no good reason, but merely for amusement…..”

I understand what you’re discussing…. But in discussing MINYAN, I’m simply pointing out that travelers did not daven with a minyan, whether it was for business, leisure, hiboddedus, visiting , etc..
Am I allowed to expand on the subject MINYAN in general, or must I stick to Disney , Boiberick and/or Hutzenplutz?

Even on planes today, there are psaks that in order not to inconvenience crew and passengers, one can daven in the seat even though there’s a minyan on board..

“…..ZionGate, all your examples are of travel for a purpose….”

Of course… Every travel has a purpose..
Maybe my examples are a nuisance to those who want to stick to chatting about vacations minyans only..
In that case, go back to the pool, flip the sunglasses and enjoy the lemonade…
Watch the sun..!