Reply To: Going on Vacation without a Minyan

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“Rav Chaim Kanievsky also made it clear that people should daven all tefillos with a Minyan during Bein Hazmanim.”

That does not help the very question in OP, as of course one should daven with minyan wherein its available.
The issue is if one should refrain to travel vacationing for the lack of minyan..

In regard to Halcaha I posted earlier, and will re-post again:

Here is a fascinating responsum from haPosek HaGadol Rav Henkin ZT”L in his sefer פירושי לב איברא.

He is basically saying the Chiyuv to be ‘Mishtatef b’Minyan’ only pertains when one is next to a minyan, otherwise, it is basically only a hiddur..