Reply To: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology

Home Forums In The News Democratic Underground Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology Reply To: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology


Both Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives, and Liberals, have their ma’alos and chesronos. If you can’t see the ma’alas in the secular ideologies you don’t agree with, you’re just being close minded.

Sure it would be nice if the world worked in ideals. Where you can just get of your tush and work and receive money as a direct result of that. But the unfortunate matter is that no matter how hard you work, sometimes Hakadosh Baruch Hu will just knock you down again and again, saddling a person with unsustainable debt. And some people are born in less fortunate situations. Where their parents have no money, so they have no way of receiving a proper education required for any job better than flipping burgers. Of course there’s also Big Business, the great boogeyman of the Liberal. Fact of the matter is that the do exist terrible rich people that will take advantage of poor people, often leaving them with no option.

As for Liberals, they have to realize that Communism is a failed experiment and throwing money at poor people doesn’t improve anything.