Reply To: Going on Vacation without a Minyan

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Going on Vacation without a Minyan Reply To: Going on Vacation without a Minyan


After reading 100 posts on this subject I come to the conclusion that there is a general sentiment that davening with a minyan is always preferable where circumstances allow but the same caveat applies to many other mitzvos and/or opportunities for hidur mitzvah where more is better than less but less is not itself forbidden. A yid who decides with his family to take a vacation where minyanim are unlikely because they wish to experience the benefits of travel may also make decisions in other areas of their lives which go beyond the norm for a particular mitzvah. I’m not suggesting you offset one with more of another since not all mitzvos are equivalent but in the real world, we do the best we can in terms of balancing competing priorities in our lives.