Reply To: Going to Uman for the Hock

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Shopping613: I never said it wouldn’t be a good davening. The thread title was “for the hock”, not “for an uplifting davening”, so my point was that this is the wrong outlook for Rosh HaShanah.

yutz: I have major issues with what you quoted. So R’ Nachman said that he purposely disregarded the Mesorah he had from his father because he heard Hashem tell him to change it? We have a rule of Torah lo b’Shamayim hii, and Nevuah is long gone. Hashem gave the Torah to the ENTIRE nation and we have a Mesorah since then. How can one Rav, as big as he may be, claim that he will throw away a Mesorah because he heard a voice in his head?
Then, he says that the entire world depends on HIS Rosh haShanah. We say in davening every day, in Shema Koleinu, that Hashem hears the prayers of EVERY Jew. No prayer goes unanswered. So how can he claim that the entire world depended on his personal Rosh haShanah? Where did he get that idea from?