Reply To: Some thoughts about the internet

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The internet includes the entire telecommunication system, including all telephones (even landlines) and all mobile phones (even “kosher” ones). It also includes the entrie financial system including all credit, debit and smart cards, and all bank deposits (e.g. when the Federal Reserve “creates” money, it does so by creating online balances there weren’t there before). While there is an analog aspect of the postal service (someone drops off a piece of mail), the whole system of tracking and routing involves the internet.

In all fairness the internet was invented in the early 1800, and in its first version involved operators communicating by tappping a binary code (dots and dashes). Many people immedciately and accurately saw the mischief that would lead to.

Note that many people (frum and otherwise, Jewish and otherwise, intgelligent and otherwise) confuse the “internet” which specific uses of the internet, in particular the “world wide web” or various “smartphone” ( mini-computer that resembles a phone) programs and applications.