Reply To: Lashon Hara in the CR?

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There you go my friends, this is the face of chutzpah and gaavah at its utmost.
You are staring an aveira in the face, and you are basically implying that I am wrong, and really it isnt an aveirah at all.
Why dont you give your insight on this topic?
I am not trolling to make people upset. I am genuinely trying to understand people’s mindsets when they go to yeshiva world for their news. On fox news comments on their articles, there is no hock back and forth between yidden.
Now, on sites like these, it is focusing on jewish issues, great, but there should be no reason to allow or promote the extra gossip that goes along with it, or putting out an article that asks, hmmmmmm did deri snub the gedolim?
That’s like reading the front page of people magazine, or maybe even the national Enquirer. Whether the article is true or not, it is clear that the entire approach is to grab people by dangling the juicy headline in front of them.