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I can post it all here, you can read it at your will. It will be in the next post.
Hashem’s four letter name has many different permutations.
Huawei seems to be hey hey vav yud.
yahoo- eliyahoo, yirmiyahoo. Yahoo is a shem of Hashem.
This discussion of there being no such thing as gematrias in non lashon hakodesh is a valid point, but moot. The way you say google in hebrew, is google, in hebrew letters.
It doesnt really matter what the companies motives were when coming up with their names. I am not saying that there is a grand conspiracy between the japanese and the americans to kill out all of the jews, being gog and magog. I am saying that the Satan is working behind the scenes, it is just that when it comes to gog and magog, we have to understand this very basic idea, that he is so full of chutzpah and gaava, that he is in your face, not hiding, but at the same time, blinding people from seeing the truth,
I implore you to read the next thing I post. I am not going to leave out certain parts that are really not directly related to the topic of the internet. i am leaving them in, because they go hand in hand with the concept of gaavah and gog and magog.