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The Arizal writes that “Gog and Magog” has the gematria of 70, corresponding to all of the 70 nations, and will come and gather the 70 nations and be Molech (king) over them, and come against. Hashem will save us, then it will be Hoshana Rabbah, as the galus will come to end, and we won’t have any more galus, because up until now we go from galus to galus to galus, but not any longer.

The word Molech, means to be king over them. What does it mean to be a king? Rav Shimshon Pincus, in Shabbos Malkasa, writes, that a true Melech gathers together his people. When everyone is together as one, under one king, they become one nation, together. He says that another aspect of a real king is to provide for his people. A true king gives his subjects parnassah and food; he is their very life source, much like Yosef Hatzaddik was for the people in Mitzrayim when he sustained them during the famine. A true king gives Chiyus, life, to his people. A true king controls his people.

There is no other way to say it, but if someone’s internet goes down, if their smartphone breaks, etc, they literally cannot function until they go to the cellphone store, or get the problem fixed. They immediately become depressed, and feel like they have nothing to do. This is just by adults. When it comes to kids with smartphones, if the parents take the phones away, the kids immediately scream and are chutzpadik to the parents, and even curse at them, etc. Their life support is literally taken away. What is happening? The kids get attacked in the Tumah that they are living off of, perhaps they start going through withdrawal, and their inner soul comes out, which is full of Gaavah and chutzpah, because that is where their Chiyus is coming from.