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Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah Reply To: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah


The bottom line is that a bfeirush posek in the Torah HaKedosha clearly tells wives that their husband will rule them. Tehillim adds, as explained by the Menoras Hame’or, that a wife should not view her husband as an equal but rather as her master. The Rambam clearly writes al pi Halacha that a wife should fear her husband and view him as her ruler and king. The Shulchan Aruch paskens that a wife is so subservient to her husband that she no longer has obligations of Kibud Av V’Eim since she must serve her husband instead of her parents. That’s a major chiddush that she’s absolved of one of the Aseres Hadibros, a m’doraisa, on account of her duties to her husband. These are halachos; obligations of hers.

None of this is contradicted or disputed anywhere in any Torah sources, period. And, in fact, we can early find dozens of more meforshim, Rishonim and Achronim all saying the same. And that, despite 21st century Western values, is the bottom line as far as Jews are concerned. I mean them all in the same context the poskim and meforshim said them; I merely cited them as close to verbatim as I could.

How else do you explain why a wife’s obligation of Kibud Av V’Eim is eliminated whereas a husband’s obligation of Kibud Av V’Eim is not eliminated? Or that Rambam, Menoras Hame’or, Ben Yehoyoda, and numerous numerous other poskim and meforshim rule that a wife must view her husband as her king/ruler/master while not reciprocating that all encompasing obligation from him to her. And that no poskim disagree with these halachic rulings. Yes, they very much mean she must do her husband’s bidding. Rambam says this very explicitly. And how else do you explain that in Loshon Kodesh the very word for a husband is “בעלה”!

No one is saying or ever said that a husband doesn’t have duties to his wife. But they are not equal. So please stop adding that red herring. One is subservient and the other is not, despite as objectionable that concept sounds to contemporary Western ears. Slavery also it’s objectionable to modern people yet is very much supported, and rightly so, as a Torah value.

And the aforementioned poskim and meforshim do cite the pesukim in Bereishus that I cited as the basis for these halachic obligations. (No, not merely a curse.)

To summarize, after we’ve been going in circles, wishing both ChabadShlucha and Philosopher, as well as all my many fans, admirers, plain readers and observers as well as my detractors, a happy, healthy and ruchniyos good year and ah gutte kvittel. And with the womenfolk happily accepting their proper subservient role in life and the menfolk treating their wives and children as a Yid is expected to with the utmost love and respect bringing up Yiddishe doiros in the derech as our zeidas and bubbes have for thousands of years. (Not as slaves of 21st century goyishe values.)

Ah gutte kvittel!