Reply To: Peace Plan

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000646, you think Jews can’t be Jew haters? There were enough Jew haters , meshumadim who caused many tzuras for our people, and kapos and leftist liberals who always stuck up for our enemies. Even those in full Chassidish levush, the NK’s are Jew haters. If you care about those who want to destroy us and you don’t care about the the lives and safety of Jews then you are Jew hater, period.

Yes you DID say that they don’t have their own military. So they have a semi-military with their weapons aimed at Israel. They have their own governments, Hamas and PLO, they are not under Israeli control so what exactly do you want now?!
What exactly are you blaming Israel for now?

If you are talking about Israeli Arabs, then learn some history and you will see many, many regions all over the world, don’t have the same government today as they had in the previous century. That doesn’t mean citizens can be terrorists and kill others because they want a government from the previous century . And btw, in the case of the Fakestinians, was the Ottomans or the British, they NEVER had their own government so they can’t even demand to get their “independence” back.

Now, just cause you are a Jew does not mean you are not a traitor to our people and that you are not a Jew hater. You want our enemies to have a military, which YOU DID write that earlier. Don’t you care that these are the people that continously say they want to wipe out the Jews? If you were not a Jew hater you wouldn’t be busy writing so many posts in favor of the “poor, opressed Fakestinians” who the majority of them are animals on two feet, full of violence and hate against Jews.