Reply To: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath Reply To: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath


According to reports(legend?)
during one of his periodic disputes/spats with dr. Belkin
Rav Yitzchok’s grandfather announced something on the lines of

“dr. Belkin you could fire me” and it seemed he and YU were going to part ways

YTV promptly offered him a position albeit with
certain condition/ reservations
Somehow or another nothing came of it

Is also of Interest that his mother Tova once supposably said regarding her husband that he was not on the same Waveland as her father implying that her son was more in that direction