Reply To: Women wearing tzitzis

Home Forums Bais Medrash Women wearing tzitzis Reply To: Women wearing tzitzis



We are in agreement that there are women who wear tstsis davka to show that men and women ought to have the same roles in Avoidas Hashem. We all agree that this is contrary to avodas hashem.

My angle, and it comes up quite often in the CR, is that posters are often trigger happy on the weapon of condemnation.

There are plenty of circumstances under which women wearing tsitsis is permitted. I am not talking about Women of the Wall.

I doubt R Moshe used the exact verbiage you presented. He may have been referring to Women of the Wall types who put on a rebellious show.

R Moshe was a brilliant posek but not a navi. He didn’t know of all the women in the world who wear tsitsis in halachically acceptable ways with hearts consumed with a isas hashem.

My mission here is not to appear smart or to argue. I just would like people to err on the side of kaf z’chus